COFOG also permits trends in government outlays on particular functions or purposes to be examined over time. Conventional government accounts are not usually suitable for this purpose, since they reflect the organizational structure of governments and time-series may be distorted by organizational changes.


I COFOG-systemet finns 10 huvudgrupper som i sin tur har ett antal undergrupper. För en närmare beskrivning se appendix 2. 3.3.1 Individuell offentlig konsumtion.

Eurostat + Minecraft. (offentliga utgifter enligt COFOG). Page 47. Page 48. Page 49 men blir det begripligt?

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COFOG. Senast uppdaterad: 2008-02-29 Publicerad: 2008-02-29 Classification of the Functions of Government. Detta är en internationell klassifikation som grupperar offentliga sektorns utgifter efter deras funktion eller ändamål. Senast uppdaterad: 2008-02-29 Publicerad: 2008-02-29 Startsida.

Government expenditure by function (COFOG)

>> Statistikdatabasen >> Nationalräkenskaper >> Nationalräkenskaper, tidigare definitioner >> ENS1995/SNI2002 >> Offentliga myndigheters konsumtionsutgifter (ENS95) efter ändamål COFOG, äldre serie. År 1993 - 2006 Cofog delar in offent - liga verksamheter att redovisa sektorns utgifter efter deras funktion eller i ändamål.

15/2019. (XII. 7.) PM rendelet a kormányzati funkciók és államháztartási szakágazatok osztályozási rendjéről. Az államháztartásról szóló 2011. évi CXCV. törvény 109. § (3) bekezdés 6. pontjában kapott felhatalmazás alapján, a Kormány tagjainak feladat- és hatásköréről szóló 94/2018.

The classification has three levels of detail: Second-level COFOG data are not available for Switzerland and all non-European member countries of the OECD: Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan, Israel, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand and the United States. In addition, these data are available only for selected COFOG divisions in some members of the EU. The COFOG classification describes government expenditure according to 10 major functions or purposes: 1) general public services, 2) defence, 3) public order and safety, 4) economic affairs, 5) environmental protection, 6) housing and community amenities, 7) health, 8) recreation, culture and religion, 9) education and 10) social protection. COFOG. Senast uppdaterad: 2008-02-29 Publicerad: 2008-02-29 Classification of the Functions of Government.

COFOG 9. COFOG 10. % av BNP (till höger). -1,5.
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Sector coverage: According to ESA 2010 Government sector includes all institutional units which are non-market producers and whose output is intended for individual and collective consumption of government (for exemple education, health). 2 COFOG staðall 1. Skipan nefndarinnar Haustið 2003 var haldinn fyrsti fundur svo kallaðrar COFOG nefndar.

Detta är en internationell klassifikation som grupperar offentliga sektorns utgifter efter deras funktion eller ändamål. Senast uppdaterad: 2008-02-29 Publicerad: 2008-02-29 Startsida.
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COFOG Response Plans/Documents. MA Response Plan. CO MCI Plan. COFOG Evacuation Plan. FEMA Resource Typing. Conflag Resource Typing. DC911 Radio Terminology. CO Radio Frequency List. OSFMO Mobilazation Frequencies. COFOG Interface Frequency Plan. COFOG Standard Frequency Guide. COFOG Standard Terminology. COFOG Accountability System. MACC Plan

Detta är en internationell klassifikation som grupperar offentliga sektorns utgifter efter deras funktion eller  Utgifter finansierade med öronmärkta inkomster. 82. 0,0. 0,0. 0,0. 0,0. 0,0.

A COFOG felépítése egy korábbi osztályozáson alapul, nevezetesen az 1980-ban megjelent kormányzati kiadások funkcionális osztályozásán.

These functions are designed to be general enough to apply to the government of different countries. The accounts of each country in the United Nations are presented under these categories. Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) First- and second-level COFOG Developed by the OECD, the Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) classifies government expenditure data from the System of National Accounts by the purpose for which the funds are used. As Table B.1 illustrates, first-level COFOG splits expenditure COFOG, Classifications of Functions of Government, är ett internationellt system som används för att beskriva den offentliga sektorns utgifter. Fördelen med systemet är att det betraktar offentlig sektor som en helhet. COFOG. Classification of the Functions of Government.

törvény 109.